Bambinos, Oregon, 97338, Diapers, Baby, Stroller, Mother, Family, strollers, car care, safety clinics, Baby REGISTRY

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Bambinos, Oregon, 97338, Diapers, Baby, Stroller, Mother, Family, Logo

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There are many ways to support Bambinos!

We greatly appreciate monthly gifts of any amount. When you partner with us, you are giving directly to community members in need. Wondering where your money would go if you sent in monthly support? Well, let us share some numbers with you…


1)  WIPES are another essential.

The average pack of wipes costs just only about two bucks…if you buy them in bulk and so, we do just that. A box of wipes costs about $15.00.

A monthly commitment of $15.00 almost buys a whole case of 8 packs of wipes per month.

2) Let’s talk about DIAPERS.

Every baby needs them. And disposable diapers are not cheap. Not everyone can do cloth for various reasons. Even families that have the budget for it sometimes run into a month where the baby is sick and more diapers are needed. Or maybe there has been a sudden loss of income and an emergency supply is needed. And don’t forget potty training! That’s where we come in! We provide one pack of diapers per child every 30 days to any Polk County resident in need. Since the pandemic, the price of diapers has reportedly increased 48%, costing families as much as $1,000 a year per child. The average pack of diapers costs over $20.00. This factors in various sizes and brands. We usually buy off-brand diapers, but some baby bums are sensitive and need a name brand. And we can help with that.

A monthly commitment of $20.00 buys one pack of diapers for a baby or toddler in need each month.

​​3) FORMULA is expensive!

Even families who are receiving some sort of support like WIC do not receive enough to cover an entire month’s supply and it adds up SO fast. There are those times when a baby is extra hungry or those extra tight paychecks and watering down formula more than recommended to make it stretch, though tempting, can be extremely dangerous for the electrolyte balance in an infant’s developing brain. That’s why we offer one can of formula per month per child whenever it’s needed. The average can of formula costs between $30.00 a can!

A monthly commitment of $30.00 would cover the cost of one can of formula per month for a baby in need.

4) Did you know that we have a SPORTS SCHOLARSHIP fund?

We’re excited to help kids in grades K-8 get involved with activities in Polk County, Oregon! We are doing this by providing assistance for qualified students with sports fees and equipment. We also have a partnership with two local studios that offer discount vouchers for ballet and martial arts. Both of these are ways we are working to help keep kids healthy and active.

A monthly commitment of $50.00 would cover ten to fifteen different sports scholarships for local school-aged kids!

5) We’re passionate about CAR SEAT safety! 

It’s so tempting to grab one from a garage sale or a free site. But safety shouldn’t be sacrificed because a family in need can’t afford one. Even if you trust the person you get that used car seat from and it hasn’t been in an accident, there are various sizes and fits and one size does NOT fit all. It is SO important to get the right seat for each child. We offer just that. Our certified technicians check the fit and installation for each child who comes to our clinics to make sure that the seat they have is right for them. For only a $15.00 co-pay, a family can have a BRAND-NEW with tags car seat for their kiddo. Grants are available when the co-pay is prohibitive. Infant and convertible car seats average about $80.00 each. That adds up really fast.

 A monthly commitment of $100.00 would cover a car seat, even a more specialized one, plus add enough extra to the cost of other safety items like door and stove burner knob covers EACH MONTH! That’s helping TWELVE KIDDOS get into safe car seats!

6) New Baby Gifts It’s another thing we do!

When clients are about to give birth or just had a baby, we are able to provide a new baby gift basket chock full of useful items. The reusable laundry basket includes a special handmade quilt or crocheted blanket, laundry detergent, diaper cream, baby shampoo, a couple of new cute outfits, as well as diapers, wipes, a Bambino’s tote, and other useful items. These baskets are guaranteed to bring a glad smile to the recipient! 

A monthly commitment of any amount would help us keep these showers and gift bags going. We like to put a pack of diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, an outfit or two, a hand-made blanket, a toy, and other items in these bags. Your support helps local moms feel loved and seen.